Frustrated with Hutch

My hutch connection was disconnected yesterday without prior notification on the basis of “verification”. I cannot make any outgoing calls and SMSs even though i have a balance of around 1800 Rs. Incoming calls do not show the caller ID. Now even though i have submitted the required documents (not that i didn’t submit them when i bought the connection, i did submit a photocopy of my Driver’s License!), my connection has not been activated....

January 21, 2007 · 1 min · 177 words · Kalpik Nigam

5 things about me!

Ok.. So i was tagged by my friend Manas. So here are 5 things about me: 1. Love technology and gadgets: Im the kinda guy who’d like to own the latest hardware/mobile phones, but alas my budget does not permit :p 2. Im an introvert: I get like at least 20-25 genuine emails a day (naah, not spam). And im a very busy person. The internet is my connection to the world....

December 28, 2006 · 2 min · 237 words · Kalpik Nigam

Hosting Upgrade

From my inbox: Hello! \n After the transfer the old cPanel shall remain \n accessible for 2 more weeks with the IP address.\n \n If you have any questions or face any problems, please \n do not open a support ticket. Kindly send an email to ",1] ); //–>. You are requested not to make any changes to your site after 15 December 7 PM IST. A complete transfer is likely to take about 48 hours, mainly due to DNS propogation....

December 14, 2006 · 1 min · 82 words · Kalpik Nigam

New phone Nokia N70

Finally after a month of planning, i bought the Nokia N70! Im *very* happy with it! The sound quality in the headphones is simply amazing! The camera is also of amazing quality! Hopefully this phone should satisfy my appetite for another 2-3 years 🙂 Tech Specs of Nokia N70

November 3, 2006 · 1 min · 49 words · Kalpik Nigam

Blog hozed!

Hi everyone! As many of you know, i was hosting my blog from Zeeblo, and it has been down since the past 4 days now! I think its gone for good. So anyways, i’ve taken hosting and a brand new domain name from Ashish. I know i’ve lost a LOT of data due to my carelessness (was too lazy to backup). Anyway i hope now since im on a paid hosting, ill have 99....

October 29, 2006 · 1 min · 111 words · Kalpik Nigam