Fedora 8 Released!

Fedora 8 has been released: “Announcing the release of Fedora 8 (Werewolf). This release includes significant new versions of many key components and technologies. Features: GNOME 2.20; Online Desktop; KDE 3.5.8; Xfce 4.4.1; NetworkManager 0.7 provides improved wireless network management support; PulseAudio is now installed and enabled by default; CodecBuddy is now included; CompizFusion, the compositing window manager that re-merges Compiz and Beryl, is installed by default; the completely free and open source Java environment called IcedTea is installed by default…....

November 9, 2007 · 1 min · 125 words · Kalpik Nigam

Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 5!

Tribe 5 just hit the mirrors! Get it while its hot! This release includes a lot of new features like: Gnome 2.19.90 Graphical Configuration tool for X Server A new plugin manager for Firefox, which allows to choose readily used plugins such as flash, adblock, beagle plugin etc A new printing system, with a default PDF printer being installed by default I once tried Gutsy when it was tribe 2. Lots of things didn’t work, or were buggy at that time, so i went back to feisty then....

August 24, 2007 · 1 min · 133 words · Kalpik Nigam

Pidgin v2.1.1 Released!

No changelog yet, ill update this thread as soon as i get debs. Though, since a month now, i have shifted to Ubuntu Gutsy. 🙂 Get it here.

August 21, 2007 · 1 min · 28 words · Kalpik Nigam

Fedora Core 7 “Moonshine” released!

The Fedora Project has announced the release of Fedora 7, code name “Moonshine”: “Howdy, cousins! Welcome to our little Fedora hollow, where we’ve brewed up some mighty, mighty Fedora 7 Moonshine for your enjoyment.” The latest version of the popular distribution comes with a number of new features, including “spins”, or variations of Fedora built from a specific set of software packages, the latest GNOME 2.18 and KDE 3.5.6 desktops, fast user switching, improved internationalisation support, a new SELinux troubleshooting tool, significantly faster package management utilities, a new kernel-based virtual machine technology, and many other enhancements....

May 31, 2007 · 1 min · 112 words · Kalpik Nigam

Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn Released

Its finally here! And im running it 😀 Due to all the traffic rush, Ubuntu.com is down! On their homepage: Thank you to everyone who has helped make Ubuntu 7.04 a reality. Thousands of you have helped code, test, translate and promote Ubuntu and everyone can celebrate today’s release. If you are looking for general information about the Ubuntu project, the main site will be back shortly. For official mirrors to download, please see the Ubuntu homepage....

April 19, 2007 · 1 min · 77 words · Kalpik Nigam